A view of the studio

Tuesday, 28 December 2010

Working into the images

I now have a studio full of prints of varying quality. If I have learnt anything it is to be more fussy about the colour that I mix before using it. I have decided to work into some of the images so as to extend the pictorial possibilities of each one. I am using oil paint and, inevitably, collage. This is my first attempt and as it is still too wet to be glued, the collage is pinned. However, I am rather pleased with this one and have started another.

Sunday, 5 December 2010

A learning curve

I am still enjoying the relief printing project though it has not been plain sailing. There are so many small but important technical details to iron out still. I am hand embellishing in preference to using the press because the prints slipped forwards. I was told that I should rather be using a simple letter press which applies pressure downwards evenly over the whole surface. I have still to try this.Instead, I am rubbing with a spoon and it works well enough. Inking up with just the right amount of paint and block printing medium is still a bit hit and miss though there is an improvement on my first prints. I love the multiple image but simultaneously want to work into each one separately. The studio is full of prints.